Riding beyond
Riding lessons should be relaxing & fun, yet challenging. I can show you where your body is tight and give you exercises to help your body release and find a whole new level of riding. I love to help people visualize their ride and become more aware of the correct feel in their riding. Giving input, often in several different ways, to help solidify the results in your riding. From teaching basics of what it is to have a horse on the bit and connected to riding correct lateral exercises to helping the horse understand how to give you the utmost with it’s own body, the power, the suspense, and ground cover. You will be feeling your horse swing through it’s back, your hips creating the Rhythm, your legs keeping the hind legs underneath your seat, you will feel the energy travel through your horse’s body to the bit where the horse communicates with your hand.
USDF “L” graduate with distinction and Certified Instructor
- Traditional riding lessons in the dressage arena
- Lunge line lessons to work on your position and seat